Monday, April 28, 2014

Give YOURSELF some time.

Mirror! O Mirror! Which mirror am I talking about here? That glass having silver-mercury polish at one side? NO! I’m talking about our HEART, our THOUGHTS, the ‘I’ within each one of us reading this. People often discuss about their whereabouts, their work, their likes, their silly irritating addicted to idiotic daily soaps wives or angry husbands. People saying, “I want a car, I’m dreaming to buy a new flat, new clothes, this.. that” is pretty common.

Have you ever wondered who this ‘I’ is? From where has this ‘I’ come? Tricky one? The soul is the real ‘I’. That one who never demands any materialistic thing. No food, no water. Like a tree requires water, sunlight etc..’I’ requires OPTIMISM, POSITIVE THOUGHTS. NEGETIVITY acts like nothing less than an EXPIRED POISON. This ‘I’ is the ultimate driver of the body’s brain and thought process! Yes! YOU are your own driver!

Now the question is; is POSITIVITY just a word? How is it implemented? I’ve seen many people talking about it but none implementing it. Our mind is like a blotting paper.. whatever you place on it, it traces a great impression. If we start thinking about all possible negative things itself in the morning when our mind is fresh, and then talking and trying to remain positive is a waste of time and efforts. When foundation of a day is negative, how can it turn to result all positive? And then comes the situation where we say, “ I do try, but I get not the result I expected”. Let us not expect a miracle then.

Rewind your life. Sit. Remember the last time when you woke up and tried to gather all positive thoughts. Majority wouldn’t remember it. Now I want to ask, when someone didn’t gather it, how can he remember it?

Getting late at night creates a negative thought in the minds waiting for that person..IS EVERYTHING OK? I WISH HE HASN’T MET WITH AN ACCIDENT types. And we call it a natural thought.

I would like to suggest a simple task. Rather than reading newspaper in the morning and gathering negative information, get up.. sit in silence and repeat  few words ‘ Whatever will happen, it will happen for good. I’m a powerful son of a great power above all’ for a few months. Construct a positive foundation every morning and make your life and this world a better place to live in.

Good luck.

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