Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Reach High Without A Lie

I will win, I will rise,
Reach high without a lie.
work hard to extent,
I can make clock move to normal.

I will win. I will rise,
Reach high without a lie.
I am defeated, because I started late.
Will never be defeated, walk along time.

I will win, I will rise,
Reach high without a lie.
Because it was never for anyone,
It was for me!
Realization point is here,
Showing me what I left.

Will never be defeated,
Walk along time,
I will win, I will rise
Reach high without a lie.

Stop Expecting. Start Accepting.

Yeah, it is going to be a bit lengthy, but it may turn your brain upside down!

I always complained about, ‘they are using me, they are taking advantage of me’. Let me tell you something. We allow someone to use us. Till when, how, is up to us. One more thing; we allow people to use us as we are dependent upon them. There may be many reasons like social, financial, emotional, physical and so on. We do not have the courage, also we do not want to displease them. Their approval matters the most. Peoples’ approval is like a big addiction. ‘ I want to please him/her, I’ll be ready to do anything which makes them happy, they’ll keep telling me what they expect and I’ll keep doing so as to make sure that they are not displeased. If they’re displeased, I’ll lose their approval.  And if I lose their approval, I lose the sense of my self worth i.e. self esteem. I feel good only if they approve me. If they say I’m nice, then I feel I’m nice. If they say I’m important, I feel important.’  Don’t worry, your secret is not disclosed. It is common!

I don’t know if this happens with everyone or not, but used to happen a lot with me. My sense of feeling good about myself became completely dependent on their approval and I couldn’t ever even try to displease them. Now turn the coin. Who is using and who is being used? Actually, I was using them, their each and every word to make myself feel good about me. Their words were nice. I was using them!

I always needed peoples’ appreciation, their words to make me feel good about myself as I wasn’t able to do it on my own. When I was a child, whenever relatives visited, asked me to perform things and commented ‘cho chweeet, cho cute, good girl’ and yes, that was when I started becoming dependent on opinions of others. I couldn’t ever take the risk of not being called a good girl. “If you do not perform, they’ll call you a bad girl. C’mon be a good girl and do it”. This is what my mother used to say and because of which, it got printed in my mind that if they say I’m good, I become good. If they say I’m bad. I become bad.

It is not just me. But I must say, I used to be like this, but not anymore. How well do people know us? Even if they know us like artery artery vein vein, tell me first thing, is it right for us? Second, is it comfortable for  us? Is it ok if our life is dependent upon peoples’ statements? ‘Please approve me’ used to be my deepest expectation, but, not anymore. I’ve accepted this fact that none can know me or judge me better than I can do it for me.

Yes, I needed someone to make me realize this. I hope this article is going to act like a guiding light for you all.

Good luck. Stop expecting, start accepting. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Every cloud has a silver lining.

We all have been through tough times, some must have been gone through very much ..some less. But in all this have you ever wondered there was always something good hidden in it? Maybe not at that very moment but after it happened? And then after that thanked God for whatever he did was necessary?
I am sure many of us have gone through it. It's called life. That life which we curse when something bad happens with us which we never wanted it to happen.

Life is all about ups and downs, by taking in mind that yes we can succeed we can come out of the problem. Always remember that every problem comes with a solution. When one door is closed on us we don't bother to look at the other door which has been opened for us , because we are too busy looking at the closed door. You won't see that good thing hidden in your problem, but eventually you will. Having faith at our courage and will is an ultimate key to every unsuccessful lock to open. What we need is just to figure out that silver lining, which is a tough task for every individual.. But not impossible. So be optimistic and have faith in you that yes I have the capability to come out with this problem.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Girlhood (part II)

There is a small adorable 6 year old girl hidden inside her. From the very beginning she tries to imitate her mother in everything she does. Now when you see her trying (..or I should say practicing) her make up, you can imagine how adorable that moment could be. She has little desires inside that strong girl just like a 6 year old. She likes to get her pictures to be clicked. She tries to imitate models with new poses with her newly bought one piece. Her first try with everything is a milestone for her from her first cooking in kitchen to her first mehndi. It all matters to her. 
She's got tons of crushes from T.V series and she's got tons of clothes to wear but for her that is not enough, which is a mental disease with every girl. She gets excited while talking about different brands with her friends and discussing new trends. 
She tries to act as a lady but often forgets there is a little girl hidden inside her who is responsible to get that adorable smile on her face. 
Maybe for her one of the most important things in life will be her well maintained hair, but she often forgets that it is her smile that's important for everyone. Her father feels proud to watch her smile even if he doesn't shows it. Her mother smiles with tears in her eyes watching her daughter trying to put on her make for the first time. Her elder sister feels happy to watch her cooking for the first time in kitchen. Her brother feels protective for her, because for him , she's still that 6 year old stupid girl who can't take care of herself. 

For part I check this link Girlhood (Part I)
For part III check this link Girlhood (Part III)
For part IV check this link Girlhood (Part IV)
For part V check this link Girlhood (Part V)

Just a rupee? Eh? Think again.

Sounds like, SO WHAT? IT IS JUST A RUPEE! Almost every person on this Earth I know is really careless about a coin. It is just a coin.. yeah. When it comes to cell phones, balance in it, why a loss of THAT ONE RUPEE hurts so much? Like someone is injecting hundreds of pins or your heart being shattered into thousands of pieces and you can do nothing but feel that pain. True! That loss hurts a lot.  

But when it comes to a coin, again it is just a rupee! So what if it has been lost? But, is this approach observed by every brain? In every situation?

While travelling in an auto rickshaw yesterday, due to the red light signal, auto had stopped. On the roadside there was a man with grey locks, skin completely hidden by infinitely many wrinkles, blue eyes full of hopes, paper like structure as if he hasn’t ever eaten something and he would eat up anything which comes up in front of him just like a lizard targeting a mosquito for a happy meal! His hands pale and all covered with dirt, his limbs fighting every second to move a bit as he was a crippled man. Trying to move towards the traffic was a thing I guess he did every day and every night.

Each time any vehicle passed by him, all he could do was WAVE his hands with a hope that someone would atleast try helping him by giving him JUST A COIN and eyes gazing the cars, the autos, the bikes, people throwing the wrappers, not even paying a heed to that helpless crippled man.   

Sure, poor can’t eat the road and survive. I know begging shouldn’t be encouraged. But, ever wondered, from every road, thousands of travelers pass by. If on every road, 750-1000 people give THAT ONE COIN to a beggar, he would actually have 750-1000 Rs.  and can have a meal two times a day for about three to four days. Yeah, THAT JUST A COIN can save someone’s life. Why would someone like to give a coin away just like that? What about the blessings which that person would get from that one beggar?

Think about it. 

Give YOURSELF some time.

Mirror! O Mirror! Which mirror am I talking about here? That glass having silver-mercury polish at one side? NO! I’m talking about our HEART, our THOUGHTS, the ‘I’ within each one of us reading this. People often discuss about their whereabouts, their work, their likes, their silly irritating addicted to idiotic daily soaps wives or angry husbands. People saying, “I want a car, I’m dreaming to buy a new flat, new clothes, this.. that” is pretty common.

Have you ever wondered who this ‘I’ is? From where has this ‘I’ come? Tricky one? The soul is the real ‘I’. That one who never demands any materialistic thing. No food, no water. Like a tree requires water, sunlight etc..’I’ requires OPTIMISM, POSITIVE THOUGHTS. NEGETIVITY acts like nothing less than an EXPIRED POISON. This ‘I’ is the ultimate driver of the body’s brain and thought process! Yes! YOU are your own driver!

Now the question is; is POSITIVITY just a word? How is it implemented? I’ve seen many people talking about it but none implementing it. Our mind is like a blotting paper.. whatever you place on it, it traces a great impression. If we start thinking about all possible negative things itself in the morning when our mind is fresh, and then talking and trying to remain positive is a waste of time and efforts. When foundation of a day is negative, how can it turn to result all positive? And then comes the situation where we say, “ I do try, but I get not the result I expected”. Let us not expect a miracle then.

Rewind your life. Sit. Remember the last time when you woke up and tried to gather all positive thoughts. Majority wouldn’t remember it. Now I want to ask, when someone didn’t gather it, how can he remember it?

Getting late at night creates a negative thought in the minds waiting for that person..IS EVERYTHING OK? I WISH HE HASN’T MET WITH AN ACCIDENT types. And we call it a natural thought.

I would like to suggest a simple task. Rather than reading newspaper in the morning and gathering negative information, get up.. sit in silence and repeat  few words ‘ Whatever will happen, it will happen for good. I’m a powerful son of a great power above all’ for a few months. Construct a positive foundation every morning and make your life and this world a better place to live in.

Good luck.

Girlhood (Part I)

You all must be wondering what is this 'Girlhood'. Is it a new trend on facebook with a hashtag? Or new hot topic on twitter? Or any new topic for instagram?
Well, the answer is No! 

Girlhood is obviously related to girls so please don't confuse yourself with womanhood. Girls as we know are a sensitive and beautiful by heart creation of god. From all their Awww's to their Nail paint's color is a person hidden inside them, who is not visible to anyone even themselves. Irony right? You know what is the best thing about that person? It never stops loving. That person stays strong no matter what happens. They will care for you but won't let you see it. That person will remember all the memories which you have given her, no matter if they can't remember anything during their exams but they will remember each and every part of their lives spent with you. 
We often treat girls as a cry-baby! But we don't know the real meaning of those tears. We think that girls are sensitive and we keep them in a protective cage. But the crux of the matter is, that they are the strongest being alive. If they want they can rule us..better!
Remember if she has forgiven you for the mistake you have done, just don't ever make her curse herself for trusting you again. Consider it as a gift of god and don't spoil it. 
There are times when she's mad at you for no reason. Don't take it to the heart maybe she's showing you through her anger that what all frustration is going on in her mind. Remember they don't curse the world like guys do? She will give you her world to you and make it beautiful. But just like you need shade of a tree you must water it and grow it to enjoy that. Just like this care for her, treat her good and give her space.
An extract from Durjoy Datta's novel 'Till the Last Breath'
As a father, brother, husband, boy friend and friend, you should know that without any girl in your life you wouldn't have been where you are. Just treat her good, she doesn't want your expensive gifts except if you are gifting her a solitaire(as you know exceptions are always there). All she wants is love. 
She notices you much better than you do her, she appreciates every small thing you do for her but won't show it. This doesn't mean she don't care! She does, but won't show it. 
Remember that just the way you respect your mother, respect every girl you know, because your mother was a girl too.  

For part II check this link Girlhood (Part II)
For part III check this link Girlhood (Part III)
For part IV check this link Girlhood (Part IV)
For part V check this link Girlhood (Part V)

Spring is here..

There's nothing better than natural sunlight, but if you're trying to get the perfect shot, you may need to plan when the magical moment will happen in order to capture the image with the right light settings. Not on a time table? Experiment with stepping into the shadows or shooting with a backlight. Your surroundings may provide natural reflectors; you just have to look for them! Tip, a tri-pod will be your friend in low light situations. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Why always girls? Or is it just me?

Right from their birth to their death,  girls are considered to be a creature which are meant to sacrifice, compromise, melt and adjust and all possible things related to this! I agree they’re always kept in a protective shell by the males around them so that their innocence in not misused and misjudged. But has anyone thought of their individuality? I mean why do girls always have to frame their opinions and mentality considering what others think? Why are their decisions not their own? From wearing a one piece dress to getting inked or getting pierced. Why aren’t they allowed to decide their own wishes? Why do they always have to dream keeping SOCIETY in mind? Dude! Why is it to be decided by others that what's good for them, what should they dream of? What should be their wishes?

I asked one of the males in my circle for buying a nice, decent one piece to which he replied , “Don’t forget your culture, the background you come from and belong to. Wear something decent, get a pair of  Denims if you want to .” Wearing a knee length sober one piece is considered as wearing a bikini and going for a prayer to temple! (bikini too has no harm, depends upon personal choice). One day I was wearing knee length shorts and standing with my brother and can you imagine the words I heard from a guy very close to me? His words were, "What were you just trying to show? How characterless you are? Wearing shorts and standing in front of another guy?”

 Getting inked is considered to be a sin way more punishable than killing a tiger! I guess it should be written on the walls ‘ Getting a tattoo is prohibited’ or ‘Dogs and Inked people are not allowed’ or ‘Keep your phones switched off and tattoos covered’. Getting pierced is considered to be a thing which society won’t ever accept and directly comment on the character of the girl. Seriously? This is the only criteria to judge one’s character?  Is it just me or is it a common phenomenon? At first, Fathers take our decisions then are our boyfriends deciding for us what to wear and what not and finally the husbands and the in-laws!!

Don’t we have a life of our own? Will there be a day ever where we’ll be living on our own conditions? For our own wishes? I don’t know if this is only ME or I’m writing on behalf of many others like ME.. Maybe such things are prevailing only in India.. but trust me.. I’m sick of it..Those who haven’t ever experienced such things, I wish you never even experience! Those who are experiencing.. If you’ve a solution, again, ACCEPTED BY FAMILY AND SOCIETY, then do let me know please! Yes I know safety matters, family cares.. but cannot we have our wishes too? 

P.S. these opinions are completely owned by me! No offence! think things remain the same throughout?

Last night while talking to a friend..I realized that there is no future, no present.. each second is transmuting in past..people are changing.. time is changing faster than the people. Almost ten years back, Cartoon Network and Pogo were the only things which we cared about. Did anyone ever want Jerry to get hurt or Powerpuff girls failing to save their town or Noddy not to sing his songs? Gosh..Now I’ve learnt how to pronounce Mr. BIG EARS.

Those were the days where all I thought about seating plans in classrooms, ten extra minutes for physical training and music classes.
After talking to that friend for almost two hours, I realized that there wasn’t a single moment where we didn’t talk about the classes, career, entrance examinations and in its contradiction, two years back, we talked about hell lot of things but not this! All we paid attention to were the friends, the school, assignments, class tests, talking behind the back like a normal school going child!

Now when I see school children hanging their heavy bags, dropping bottles again and again, mothers running after them for their lunch boxes, birthday excitements.. I feel pain in my heart..that feel of leaving everything behind and stepping on a lonely path. I ponder, is it really over? Those 14 years?  So easily? So promptly?  And then comes an answer from within like a brainstorm.. YES! ITS OVER! But the reminiscence will be with us undyingly forever and ever.. a beauty which is a joy forever!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

How about being a TOMBOY?

Doesn’t it sound cool to be a tomboy? Being a tomboy, to me it does sound cool. Being a tomboy itself is a matter of feeling proud about. It’s a gift by God which can be cherished and retained forever and ever.

Being a tomboy doesn’t mean we do not know how to be girly. We might not know how to do those Awwwws and OMGs, we may not know how to get clicked with back profiles or with duck faces but we surely know how to be our own selves. I often hear, people saying to tomboys, “You will surely get a nice girl. Are you sure you will manage to get a guy and not a gay?”  I would like to put up a question here. Is this the only thing left to be judged?

Personality may be a gift, it may be a choice. But certainly it is not a thing to be made fun of, to be commented upon. To all the tomboys – loving to be a boy has no harm. GO AHEAD, FLY HIGH. It is really not easy to become one. People might consider us to be homosexual but being a tomboy has nothing to do with sexuality. Having a short hair cut doesn’t mean it is unacceptable. ‘ Aur Bhai’ is no less than ‘ Oh hello darling! , babezz’ and God knows what all! So what is we are not always groomed up? So what if our arms and legs are not always waxed? It isn’t unhygienic! Why do we get reactions like EEEWWW..OMG look at that! They are natural hair and not a stinky dead  rat! No matter what all rubbish people say, if you like being the one! None can stop you! I always can the girls be so girly? Why do they always have to talk about their nails and their clothes and their salon sessions? This is what I think, and I’m proud of it. I may not be the best at being a tomboy but individuality matters.

Parent Teen- Are we justifying it?

TEENAGE – What about family? Teenage! Yeah, you read it right.. Something so confusing, having no proper definition but surely charismatic, having so many emotions, a life, a time period which everyone would love to dream of. It seem to be irresistible! Excitement, Drama, Crushes, Love, Dreams, School, Friends, Fun, Personality, Career, Anger, Jealousy. Possessiveness, Rejection, Generation gap! So much to associate with TEENAGE and the list goes on.. But what about the changes we undergo? Teenage is similar to Glamour world. It is not that exciting as much it sounds. We forget nothing but our family. In the beginning, we the teenagers fight with ourselves to accept the emotional and physical changes taking place; then we want to fight with the society; questioning every damn thing. Then comes the family! We think they don’t understand us, they think we don’t understand them. Do they ever realize we too are dealing with so many confusions? Fighting everyday with almost everything just for the sake of acceptance? Certainly, they need to understand this.

We think we don’t get enough pocket money, we want the best of gadgets, we want the best of clothes, the best of house location. Accept it, each one of us wants to be popular; wants to have ‘THE BEST ATTITUDE’, wants bees all around us, wants to be in good accounts of every possible known person. But here, we often forget how important we are for our family. All we think about is FRIENDS. I’m sure they’re the most happening part of our life but above them there are those because of whom we met those friends.

We think they need to understand us but we’ve a great role to play to be understood. HOME matters much more than a HOUSE. From providing basic amenities to providing the best of almost everything, they too fight everyday with their pockets and budgets. And what after we get what we desired? What do WE return? A rude thanks? Allegations that they don’t understand us? Making them hear again and again that it is their duty to provide us all possible luxuries?
 I may be a teenager but I do understand that Yes teenage is a sensitive time, friends, relations matter, but above all.- the Human form of God! Our parents matter the most! Movies casting, presenting spoiled brats are no cool. Understand it! We need to understand they are the best parents for us. If we’re trying to be adults, they too are trying to be better parents. Good Luck teenagers, upcoming teenagers.

~Priyanka Manchanda

Part of me (VIII)

Yesterday is gone forever,
Now I'm here altogether.
Cheated, broken, stabbed and faced partiality,
I rise above hate,
Deciding my own fate.
Tired of being subdued and tamed,
Enough of being ashamed.
Now this moment, I own it,
Who's the best I'am gonna show it. ~Karan Kapoor

Part of me (VII)

Am I thinking so much? cuz..
Everything seems so pointless?..
All efforts to please are vain..
Why is my heart always aimed?
Got nothing to be proud of..
But I try and try.. Just to reach the sky.. But in the end it doesn't even matter..
As everyone yearns for better ~Karan Kapoor

Part of me (VI)

No one can take me..
When I'm nervous I have this thing,
I talk
too much

Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up

It's like I need to tell someone, anyone who'll
And that's where I seem to mess up..
I think I need rest..
To prove that, I am the best.. ~Karan Kapoor

Part of me (V)

I am here still waiting,
though I still have my doubts..
will ever someone care for my whereabouts?
No one can figure out my thoughts,
Except someone above us all..
So I'm holding on, I'm holding on..
Cuz nothing is still gone,
I was a kid..
someone who was always forbid..
But now I've got some things to change
cuz I stand for the power to get things be independent..
So I'm holding on..holding on ~ Karan Kapoor

Part of me (IV)

Time went by so fast
I am left out of contrast
Scarred.. terrified
How can my mistakes be rectified?
I know..being sorry is not enough
cuz I know it has been very tough..
I beg for your pardon
I know what all I've done, can't be undone
But trust me my friend
U are the only one, on whom I can bend
I don't want it's bitter end
cuz I don't want any end.. ~Karan Kapoor

Part of me (III)

Maybe I'm wrong..But it's not fair..
Why am I being treated like this from so long? ,
Maybe it's again my fault,
Seems like soon my life will come to halt,
Even if it will pain,
I will smile and put that pain to drain,
Cuz it is well said ..
NO PAIN..NO GAIN ~Karan Kapoor

Part of me (II)

Life has got many twists and turns
Going through dillema daily, my heart burns
So scared and feeling so alone

The coldness fills my every bone
No food, no sleep, can't think at all

Each way I turn, another wall

This darkness haunts my very soul

My world seems dead I've lost control

The only weapon is my pen

Depression has moved in again
I smile in vain
I wish U NEVER go through this pain.. ~Karan Kapoor

Part of me

What I have promised
I'll keep up to it
Won't back down even a bit
Life goes on like tick tok tick
Here today, gone tomorrow
Life is full of happiness and sorrow
Maybe one day I'll smile again
Till then let it rain.

Comparison .. you soul's prison!

'Comparison' . We use this word more often now a days. Have anyone of us ever wondered what effect it puts on us? 
Well, it your personality murderer. A very good friend of mine once told me 'You are what, you are!'. At first I took that thing lightly. But when I gave a thought about it, I realized the value of those simple yet precious words which we often hear daily. 
We compare ourselves with others and forget that the inner self which we have been building since a long time, is being destroyed by every word of our comparison with others. We compare our looks, our life style etc with those who have better than us. Some think that the person they admire don't consider them good enough or they get offended by our behavior and likes the behavior of others. Then we try to amend ourselves, we try to mold ourselves according to other person's need. But we forget someone else is being destroyed here. That someone is 'U'. We consider our self so inferior that we forget about what we were. This world only value those people who stay original. People will like you as a wannabe for some time and forget you like you never existed, but they will never ever forget the real 'U' if you stay the way you are and love yourself. It is true u can love people better and make them feel much better but it is also true that if u can love others better, you can love yourself the best!! Daily recite ' I am the best!' in your mind and watch the magic. 
We were born with a beautiful soul to build a stronger self and not to perish it. Look inside yourself and you will see the whole world which you are yearning for. When you will find your true self, trust me there will be no scope left for comparison.                                   

Friday, April 25, 2014

Love the angel within.

Getting appreciation is not always required. Doing something good or caring for someone from deep inside your heart is what matters. It hurts when for the person you care the most doesn't appreciates you for what have you done for them or what you are doing for them. It hurts even more when they appreciate someone else for the same in front of you and neglecting your good deed. But we should always remember there is someone above us all looking and keeping account of your good deed for people you care. Maybe not today but someday they will see the blooming flower inside you which they haven't watered. Don't get subdued, because of your anger everyone forgets what all you have done for them. Don't get upset because no one understands the reason behind that pointless anger which erupts out of you everytime on small things. One day they will understand your anger was the call/beg for their care and love which you also gave them. Maybe you expect alot, because you are willing to do the same and even more than that for them. Don't worry one day they will realize your true value. Just don't back off and keep on doing the good deeds which you were doing, brush up and polish that angel inside you

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